Safety Precautions:
- Slips, Trips, and Falls
- Personal Injury
- Weather
- Pinch Points
Personal Protective Equipment Required
- Boots
- Eye Protection
- Gloves
- Ear Plugs
- Hard Hat
No parts specified.
Featured Document
Potential Hazards Include:
Slips, Trips, and Falls
Personal Injury
Pinch Points
Only use forceps, knife carrier or suction tool to handle blade - not your fingers
To avoid chance of injury
Confirm that microtome is stil locked before placing blade into knife carrier
So that microtome doesn't move accidentally, risking injury
Immediately after inserting blade into microtome
Skim water bath surface with "kimwipe"
Water surface must be cleaned before each block to prevent carryover & debris pickup
To generate labels (single specimen processing)
Select blocks in numerical sequence
To simplify required sequencing when filing blocks
For instruction on quantity and type of slides required
Visually verify matching accession & specimen identifiers on the block and the printed labels
to detect errors that Intellipath may make (historically this has occurred)
Printed side of block to the left
To standardize orientation of blocks for cutting
Align block to blade
Refer to this document
To avoid tissue at end of slide not covered by coverslip
To avoid tissue pick up on back of slide
To avoid washed off tissue
For hard tissue use charged slides or albumin
Sections should be centrally placed on slide
Remove unwanted sections with probe or forceps